Welcome to our smart Solutions for ELO!

With our product line Solutions for ELO we offer various smart solutions for the document management system ELO. The field of application is wide: automation, integration, migration, research etc.

Solutions for ELO - from STARCON

STARCON GmbH is a certified Cooperation Partner of ELO Digital GmbH. With ELO we work tightly together with the development in numerous projects since a couple of years. More...

Certified Quality Management

An effective quality management is crucial for the success of development projects and product developments. Thus the issue of quality is especially focussed within our development processes. Last but not least the ISO 9001:2008 certificate documents our high demands in terms of quality within our consulting and development processes.

Training Videos UDS for ELO: Database connection to ELO within 2 minutes, UDS Plugin Barcode etc. Watch all videos ... [more]

The products of 'Solutions for ELO' are present on the most important fairs: